Donut Fake News

You know how sometimes you hear something proclaimed to be amazing, and you know it's too good to be true? You really do know it's too good to be true! You want to believe it. But it can't be true. 

Part of you still thinks, "What if it's true and then I am missing out on something amazing? WHAT IF?" So, you just can't resist trying it. Just in case. Because FOMO is really real (For my mother: FOMO = fear of missing out).

I'm here to tell you that shortcut donuts made by frying canned biscuit dough are too good to be true.

They are Donut Fake News.

Sure, they are easy. Sure, they are convenient. Sure, they are much quicker than making donuts from scratch.

But also sure: they taste like not-so-great biscuits with frosting or sugar on them. They do not taste like donuts.

My child who has a sweet tooth as big as me actually said, "Um, Mommy? What are these?"

I would rather eat a regular donut from the grocery store or from one of those donut chains I'm not crazy about. Or, if for some reason, I want to have a biscuit with something sweet on it, I'd take a cue from my friend Todd and make chocolate gravy to go on my biscuits

If you want to try the canned biscuit dough donuts for yourself, here's what you do (adapted from a Paula Dean recipe):

Buy a can of refrigerated biscuit dough (jumbo size biscuits).
Heat at least 2 inches of vegetable oil to 350 degrees in a large, heavy pot.
Open the can of biscuits.
Cut a 1" hole from the middle of each biscuit.
In batches, fry the biscuits in the hot oil until golden brown, about 1 minute on each side (about 30 - 45 seconds per side for the holes). 
Remove from the oil to a paper towel-lined pan or plate.
Immediately top how you like: plain sugar, cinnamon sugar, icing, whatever.

Just don't say I didn't warn you. 

They're not really donuts.
